

YMB Exports International


Black Pepper

KERALA is one of the leading states in INDIA for BLACK PEPPER production. India is a significant global producer of BLACK PEPPER, and within India, KERALA is a major contributor to the overall output.

KERALA’s tropical climate with high humidity and well-distributed rainfall creates favourable conditions for growing BLACK PEPPER. The HILLY TERRAINS and FERTILE SOIL in certain regions of KERALA, particularly in areas like WAYANAD and IDUKKI, provide an ideal environment for pepper cultivation.

KERALA’s BLACK PEPPER is highly regarded for its superior QUALITY and UNIQUE flavour. The state’s diverse agro-climatic conditions contribute to the development of distinct flavour profiles, making a sought KERALA’s BLACK PEPPER after product in the INTERATIONAL MARKET.

Harvesting of BLACK PEPPER usually begins around NOVEMBER and continues until MARCH.


KERALA is one of the prominent states in INDIA known for its CARDAMOM production and EXPORT. CARDAMOM, a highly valued SPICE, is widely cultivated in the hilly regions of KERALA, particularly in districts like IDUKKI and WAYANAD.

The hilly terrains and elevated regions in Kerala provide the ideal conditions for growing HIGH-QUALITY CARDAMOM.

KERALA’s CARDAMOM is in high demand globally and is EXPORTED to various countries. Major export markets for Kerala’s cardamom include the Middle East, the United States, Europe, and Southeast Asian countries.

Harvesting: CARDAMOM capsules are harvested when they are fully mature but still green. Harvesting usually takes place from AUGUST to OCTOBER. The capsules are carefully HAND-PICKED to avoid damage to the plant.

Red Chillie

GUNTUR, a city in the state of ANDHRA PRADESH INDIA, is renowned for its production and EXPORT of RED CHILLIES.
GUNTUR RED CHILLIES are known for their vibrant COLOUR, PUNGENT FLAVOUR, and HIGH LEVELS of CAPSAICIN, which is the compound responsible for the SPICENESS.

GUNTUR is one of the major RED CHILLI-producing regions in INDIA and holds a dominant position in the COUNTRY’S CHILLI INDUSTRY. INDIA is the world’s LARGEST PRODUCER, CONSUMER, and EXPORTER of CHILLIES, and GUNTUR plays a crucial role in meeting GLOBAL DEMAND. The region’s SANDY LOAM and CLAYEY SOILS are well-suited for growing HIGH-QUALITY RED CHILLIES.

After harvesting, the RED CHILLIES undergo a series of processes, including CLEANING, DRYING, and GRADING. The CHILLIES are SUN-DRIED to REDUCE MOISTURE content and improve SHELF LIFE. GRADING ensures that the CHILLIES meet INTERNATIONAL QUALITY STANDARDS.

GUNTUR RED CHILLIES are in high demand GLOBALLY and are EXPORTED to various countries. Major EXPORT destinations for GUNTUR RED CHILLIES include the United States, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, Malaysia, and Sri Lanka, among others.

Generally, the harvesting season starts from DECEMBER and extends up to MARCH. This period coincides with the end of the monsoon season and the beginning of the dry season, which is favourable for the ripening and drying of the chillies.

The region’s favourable CLIMATE and well-established farming practices contribute to the production of TOP-QUALITY RED CHILLIES, making Guntur a significant player in the GLOBAL CHILLI MARKET.


FENUGREEK is widely cultivated in various states, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, and Punjab being some of the major FENUGREEK-PRODUCING regions.

FENUGREEK (Trigonella foenum-graecum) is an AROMATIC HERB with various CULINARY and MEDICINAL USES.

EXPORT MARKET: INDIAN FENUGREEK is in demand in the INTERNATIONAL MARKET and is EXPORTED to various countries. The primary EXPORT destinations for INDIAN FENUGREEK include the United States, the United Kingdom, the Middle East, and Southeast Asian countries.

QUALITY ASSURANCE: To maintain HIGH-QUALITY STANDARDS, FENUGREEK EXPORT from INDIA undergoes QUALITY checks and meets the regulatory requirements of the IMPORTING COUNTRIES.

FENUGREEK LEAVES can be used fresh in various culinary dishes, while the seeds are commonly used as a SPICE.


INDIA produces world’s best TURMERIC. INDIA is the world’s largest growers and exporter of turmeric. Turmeric from Indian origin is known as the world’s best turmeric due to its high CURCUMIN content.

CURCUMIN is known for its anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor & antioxidant effects (6, 7). Turmeric is used to treat many health problems, such as SKIN and DIGESTIVE issues, improves heart health and prevent against ALZHEIMER’S and CANCER. It contains the active ingredient Curcumin, which has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It may also help improve symptoms of depression and arthritis.

TURMERIC should be taken with meals to help with absorption.

Indian Turmeric Details

In India, Turmeric cultivation is done in two seasons In February – May and August – October. It is a tropical herb which grows in both tropics and subtropics. The important states which cultivate turmeric are Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Gujarat, Maharashtra.

Soil used for Turmeric cultivation should be rich and friable. It grows best in well drained sandy or clayey loam with a little higher sand content. It grows on different types of soils from sandy loams, light black, clay loams to red soils with a pH range of 4.5-7.5 and should have a good organic status. Tamil Nadu, in south India, the city of ERODE is the world’s largest producer of turmeric, followed by Sangli, a city in the state of Maharashtra. Erode is also known as the “yellow city” or “turmeric city”


Cumin seeds are commonly known as CUMIN (cumin cymene). It has a major role as a flavoring, spices and medicinal uses throughout history. It features in Indian, Eastern, Middle Eastern, Mexican, Portuguese and Spanish cookery. It is an ingredient of most curry powders and much savory spice mixture. Indian cumin finds worldwide use in foods, beverages, liquors, medicines, toiletries and perfumery. India is the largest producer, exporter of cumin seeds in the world.

Indian Cumin Details

Cumin can be produced on almost all soil types, the best to this crop is a well-drained, fertile sandy soil type. It requires less water and more cold for its better growth with ideal temperature of 25 to 30 degree.
In India, it is cultivated in Rabi season. Sowing take place in October – November are harvested in February – March. In other major producing countries like Turkey and Syria, it is sown after completion of season in India.


Coriander is an annual herb, mainly cultivated for its fruits as well as for the tender green leaves. In India it grows in Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh. Coriander belongs to the Apiaceae family. The Sindhu variety of coriander is suitable for export activities. It has 95-100 days durations. It is a tropical crop and can be grown throughout the year.

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